Forgive me if this episode is a bit late and a bit shorter than usual but we were up late and carousing on Saturday night. Sunday was our anniversary, forty years on from when Jacqui and I moved in together. It was not possible to have a formal ceremony then but we have always marked our union from December 1st, 1984. Saturday night we had a small celebration dinner with new friends in Ireland, another milestone for us as we continue to build our life here. It was a rather lovely evening with conversation around the table, some wine and prosecco and a fabulous buffet prepared by Jacqui. A good time was had by everyone, including the dogs, who behaved impeccably despite the multiple temptations around the room. We feel so lucky to have friends who will travel down dark country roads in miserable weather to help us remember and celebrate.

Whilst doing a bit of clearing up afterwards we remembered a night ten years ago, our thirtieth anniversary. We were still in Saltburn and our neighbours Mark and Sarah ran an occasional supper club. They put on a fabulous meal for us and we invited family and friends. It was dubbed the “155 year celebration” as our birthdays added up to 125, making 155 with the anniversary included. That was another memorable evening and Sarah even made a special surprise anniversary cake. Based on coconut and pineapple, I was a little dubious at first but it was one of the best cakes I’ve ever tasted, and beautifully decorated too.
The last forty years have been interesting, to say the least. We’ve lived in three different houses, had a number of different jobs and made many journeys across Europe, sometimes with friends or family but often just us. For over thirty years we enjoyed the freedom to travel across the continent by car, train and ferry. Neither of us like planes but the slower journeys were often as important as the time spent at our destination.

We drove to Greece – much to the horror of our parents -, took ferries down the Adriatic, drove to Verona to see the opera and traveled on Swiss trains through breathtaking mountains. We also encountered forest fires, thunderstorms, a pistol-wielding teenager in France and even a couple of earthquakes. A lot of adventures to look back over, forty years on. The saying goes “nostalgia’s not what it used to be” but hey – we’ve got the photographs.
One of the things we miss is that easy access to the continent, and not just because of the cheap wine by the box load or the excellent food. We were very fortunate to be able to roam freely for so long. Looking back, forty years on from our first day-trip to France (with bicycles!), there is a sense of sadness, for us and for all the young people who can’t do the same.
This was before the combined disasters of Brexit and Covid, of course. Together they changed our world, forcing us onto a new path. Now, from our home in Ireland, we know we are fortunate. We are able to work together to make a different life here and we are building something new and valuable for one another. Forty years on and still together, I think that’s a blessing indeed.
We are coming round to Christmas again (where does the time go?) and we are all blessed – we have homes, food, friends and safety. I try to send a little gift out this time of year to maybe help those who are not so lucky. This year I’m not making a calendar. Instead I have the wonderful “Animals in Paint and Poetry” calendar by Sheila Graber, an old friend and supremely talented artist. She has donated a large number of original drawings and paintings to charity over the years, runs regular fundraisers and all the proceeds go to her three charities. Have a look and maybe get one too.
It is said it takes a village to raise a child and our good friend Noel O’Reilly does just that. He began a small charity in Kenya, Lighthouse Children’s Home and this supports a family with a single mother, several disabled children, an amazing young girl and several recent arrivals, children who were orphaned and abandoned to fend for themselves. With support from a diverse group of individuals across several countries they have built a safe home, can grow their own food and all the young people are now in education and have the medication they need. You can read about this uplifting project here:
Finally, when shopping this month there will be bins for the food banks in the supermarkets. This is a sad time of year for many families and just something that costs a pound or a Euro can make a difference.

And now I must go and help finish the clearing up.
Thank you for reading.