All posts in category Exploring and visiting

Seeing the world through different eyes

The last month has been busy (when has it not) with medical appointments, dealing with lingering storm damage and all the daily tasks that lead to a comfortable life. It still feels a bit strange and new sometimes though we are settling in to things more at last. We are very aware that Ireland is […]

An EPIC Adventure part 2 – and a batty return

I broke off the last episode part way through my trip to Dublin. Compared to our quiet life here in Tipperary it seemed a very eventful couple of days, too much for the one blog. So, picking up from the second morning, I was stiff and sore from my route marching the day before but […]

The unexpected and EPIC trip to Dublin

Sometimes I sit down to write this blog and I find I’m struggling to find anything interesting to say. Not so this week – I think I’ve got too much to write. It was looking like a fairly normal week when my friend Jon Moore, a specialist make up expert in films, tv and theatre, […]